Best of Kowa webinars

Love the great outdoors, birding and wildlife? Have a look at these top 5 Kowa webinars, covering a wide range of topics.
Our expert-led sessions are designed to enrich your knowledge and enhance your experiences!

Guiding around the world with Jan Hvisdal

As a seasoned explorer and passionate wildlife enthusiast, Jan has ventured to the most remote corners of the globe. This webinar offers you a front-row seat to some of the world's most spectacular natural landscapes and elusive wildlife, all from the comfort of your home.

Explore the Heavens with Martin Tomas

Delve into the fascinating world of astroscoping with our Kowa ambassador Martin Tomas. Martin reveals how you can transform a spotting scope into a window to the cosmos. Learn everything from the basics of using your spotting scope for stargazing to capturing detailed views of celestial bodies like the moon, stars, galaxies, and planets.

The Thrilling Birding Adventures of Diego Calderón Franco

Embark on an unparalleled birding journey with our Kowa ambassador, Diego Calderón Franco. From the elusive ghost Ground-Cuckoos to discovering new species in the world's #1 birding hotspot, Diego's experiences in Colombia and across South America are nothing short of extraordinary.

Jeff Bouton's passion for #Kowascoping

Jeff Bouton is the Sales & Marketing Manager for Kowa US and a birder and digiscoper at heart. His goal - #kowascoping as many bird species as possible each year. Learn more about how he does it, his tips & tricks, and his successes so far!

Discover Birding in Newfoundland & Labrador with Jared Clarke 

Set off on a virtual trip to the easternmost edge of North America with Kowa ambassador and expert guide, Jared Clarke of BirdTheRock Bird & Nature Tours. Newfoundland & Labrador isn't just a place; it's a premier birding destination teeming with spectacular seabird colonies, enchanting northern songbirds, arctic migrants, and even rare European visitors.