Hurrikan Idalia und Flamingos: Die Vögel wurden in acht US-Staaten gesichtet
Flamingos erobern den Osten der USA! Die ikonischen Vögel mit dem rosafarbenen Federkleid wurden in ganz Florida gesichtet, an beiden Küsten und an der nördlichen Golfküste. Es wurden Flamingo-Sichtungen in Alabama, South und North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee und Virginia gemeldet.

The flamingos are believed to have come from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. This is a major breeding ground for flamingos, and many of the birds that have been seen in the United States have been banded, which means that they have been identified and tracked by scientists.
It is not yet clear what will happen to the flamingos that have been blown to the Eastern United States. Some of the birds may return to their original colonies, while others may stay in their new surroundings. It is also possible that some of the birds may establish new breeding colonies in the United States.

Birders who are hoping to see the flamingos that have been blown to the Eastern United States should be patient and persistent. The birds may be tired and stressed from their journey, so they may not be as easy to see as they would be under normal circumstances. Birders should also be respectful of the birds and avoid disturbing them. This is an exciting time for birders in the United States! The arrival of the flamingos is a reminder of the power of nature and the beauty of these amazing creatures.